Our Blog
Chester Energy and Policy started in 2017 as a blog before blossoming into a full consulting business. The goal of the blog originally was simple: answer interesting questions in the world of energy & sustainability that weren’t being answered elsewhere, tapping into energy data sets, expert interviews, and a unique lens.
Today, the blog section of Chester Energy and Policy seeks to continue that mission: answering interesting questions. If you have a question that you think is worth diving into for a blog post, reach out and let us know! .
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Energy and Carbon Impacts of Various Outdoor Events
As the summer approaches, people are once again anticipating the return of months full of outdoor events. And in a world that’s still emerging from the COVID fog, where events were cancelled and people were avoiding crowds even in outdoor venues, this upcoming season is set to see an exciting reemergence of these cherished events.
Municipalities Investing in Sustainability: A Timely and Unbeatable Opportunity
The ‘green’ revolution was once trumpeted by a vocal and passionate minority of folks. Today, the march towards sustainability has become one embraced by popular demand across sectors, geographies, and classes. Sustainability is eagerly discussed in board rooms as well as at the grassroots level, in urban centers and in small rural towns, and at every step along the supply chain.
The Future of Power: How Decentralized Generation and Storage Will Lead the Green Revolution
Renewable energy, environmentally-friendly business practices, and going green: you can nary turn on a television or open a newspaper without hearing about these types of interconnected sustainability goals. But for those looking to change the world, making sure this green revolution becomes reality and not just another buzzword is paramount.
The Electric Vehicle Revolution is Approaching, But the Grid is Unprepared
When electric vehicles, or EVs, first popped into the public consciousness, they were an exciting oddity. A Tesla may have been spotted here or there along a road trip, and the idea of seeing an EV charger in a parking lot felt like a novelty, but with their high price tags, they seemed unattainable and more of a plaything of the wealthy than a vehicle the typical American could consider. In decade and a half since the first road-ready EVs rolled off of the production line, though, that landscape has evolved drastically
Benefits of the Battery Recycling Chain
Batteries have long been important to how people interact with energy in their daily lives: from their personal electronics to toys for their kids to their vehicles (electric or gasoline powered). Despite their importance and ubiquity, most people rarely stop to really consider what batteries are enabling on a fundamental level or why they are so transformative.
Blind Spots in the U.S. Power Grid: Plugging the Gaps Affordably and Efficiently
When considering the scale of power generated and the number of customers reliably electrified, no one can deny that the modern U.S. power grid is an engineering marvel. In fact, a commonly cited quote posits that “The American electric grid is the largest and most complicated machine ever built by man.”
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