Our Blog
Chester Energy and Policy started in 2017 as a blog before blossoming into a full consulting business. The goal of the blog originally was simple: answer interesting questions in the world of energy & sustainability that weren’t being answered elsewhere, tapping into energy data sets, expert interviews, and a unique lens.
Today, the blog section of Chester Energy and Policy seeks to continue that mission: answering interesting questions. If you have a question that you think is worth diving into for a blog post, reach out and let us know! .
Read Most Recent Blog Posts

USEA Virtual Press Briefing: What is Going on with Gas?
Despite a huge growth in renewables, natural gas remains the core fuel in the U.S. utility mix. In March and April, wind beat out coal as a utility fuel, but natural gas accounted for slightly more than 43 percent of U.S. electricity generating in that same time frame, according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

USEA Virtual Press Briefing: Extreme Weather: The Existential Threat to Utilities
The electric utility industry is enduring an existential crisis. Day in, day out it is under threat from aberrant weather and from wildfires, even as it meets unprecedented demand growth in many regions. Also, there is the ever-present concern about cyberattack or gunfire attacks on substations. When it comes to recovery, the supply chain is stretched, whether the need is for transformers or new bucket trucks.

USEA Virtual Press Briefing Series: The Future of Natural Gas in the Energy Transition

The Perfect Match: Fostering a Succesful Marriage from Unexpected Bedfellows— Lessons Learned from a Solar Developer Working with Oil & Gas Companies
Like the odd married couple that doesn’t make sense to outsiders but who have the perfect complementary marriage, the relationship between Oil and Gas (O&G) and renewable energy is one that makes more sense than you may think at first glance. As discussed in the first two articles of this three-part series, stakeholders in each of these industries may have previously seen the union of renewable energy assets into the operations of O&G companies as counterintuitive.

Here Comes the Sun
Like the odd married couple that doesn’t make sense to outsiders but who have the perfect complementary marriage, the relationship between Oil and Gas (O&G) and renewable energy is one that makes more sense than you may think at first glance. As discussed in the first two articles of this three-part series, stakeholders in each of these industries may have previously seen the union of renewable energy assets into the operations of O&G companies as counterintuitive.

Mutual Benefits: Working Collaboratively Towards Shared Energy Goals- Unleashing Partnership Between Oil & Gas and Renewables
To those observing the energy sector from the outside, they’ve erroneously viewed the rise of solar, wind, and other renewables as foils to oil & gas (O&G) businesses. However, those leaders working within the energy sector recognize the true scale, complexity, and market dynamics of national and global energy systems that indeed make both fossil fuels and clean energy critical resources for years to come.
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