Our Blog
Chester Energy and Policy started in 2017 as a blog before blossoming into a full consulting business. The goal of the blog originally was simple: answer interesting questions in the world of energy & sustainability that weren’t being answered elsewhere, tapping into energy data sets, expert interviews, and a unique lens.
Today, the blog section of Chester Energy and Policy seeks to continue that mission: answering interesting questions. If you have a question that you think is worth diving into for a blog post, reach out and let us know! .
Read Most Recent Blog Posts

Energy Central Celebrates Veterans Day 2022: Follow Our Conversations With Veterans in the Utility Industry All Week
During the week of November 7, leading up to Veterans Day on November 11, Energy Central is celebrating Veterans in the utility sector in conjunction with our partners Franklin Energy and West Monroe.

Thanksgiving and Energy: Breaking Down Turkey Day by the Numbers
Thanksgiving is a day known for food, travel, and family get togethers. At those family gatherings, so many of us are often looking for good topics to bring up to keep the conversation flowing. We want to avoid politics, maybe you don’t care about the football game on TV, and you may realize you actually have all that much in common with that distant cousin.

Calculating Santa’s Coal Haul for Naughty Children: An Effective Strategy to Offset Emissions?

Thanksgiving Redux: Embedded Energy & Carbon Emissions of Turkey Cooking Methods

Last-Minute Halloween Costumes for Energy Nerds

How Much Energy is Needed to Brew the St. Patrick’s Day Spike in Beer Sales?
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