Our Blog

Chester Energy and Policy started in 2017 as a blog before blossoming into a full consulting business. The goal of the blog originally was simple: answer interesting questions in the world of energy & sustainability that weren’t being answered elsewhere, tapping into energy data sets, expert interviews, and a unique lens.

Today, the blog section of Chester Energy and Policy seeks to continue that mission: answering interesting questions. If you have a question that you think is worth diving into for a blog post, reach out and let us know! .

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Diving into the Advantageous Pairing of Solar Power and Bitcoin
Matt Chester Matt Chester

Diving into the Advantageous Pairing of Solar Power and Bitcoin

As the prevalence of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies continues to expand, the market has identified areas where the sector’s energy use can be a boost to clean energy goals, not a burden to the grid. Specifically, utilizing Bitcoin mining as an energy buyer/user of last resort ensures that overgeneration of clean energy sources does not lead to negative market impacts for renewable energy projects, whereas otherwise solar power would need to be stored inefficiently, sold at uneconomic prices, or curtailed altogether.

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Welcome Peter Asmus, New Expert in the Utility Management Community- [an Energy Central Power Perspectives™ Expert Interview]
Matt Chester Matt Chester

Welcome Peter Asmus, New Expert in the Utility Management Community- [an Energy Central Power Perspectives™ Expert Interview]

The energy industry of today looks like but a shadow of what it was in decades past, with even some notable changes in just recent memory as well. As we prepare to take on the utility industry of tomorrow and what that evolved sector is going to look like, one of the best actions we can take is to slow down and make sure we learn about how we got from there to here, heed the lessons learned, and reflect on how this recent evolution will inform the coming changes of tomorrow.

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Emerging Markets for Hydrogen as a Transportation Fuel
Matt Chester Matt Chester

Emerging Markets for Hydrogen as a Transportation Fuel

The push to move away from oil as the sole transportation fuel has largely seen a shift towards electric vehicles, but for many applications (e.g., shipping, aviation, and others) electricity is a non-ideal or even impractical solution. In the effort to find alternative ways to decarbonize these transportation needs, hydrogen fuel has emerged as a potential game changing energy source.

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How solar developers can respect property ownership rights while providing benefits to host communities
Matt Chester Matt Chester

How solar developers can respect property ownership rights while providing benefits to host communities

As more landowners, utilities and other stakeholders realize their properties can be prime for large solar installations, some unique challenges have cropped up. In particular, landowner rights are being discussed with more and more of these renewable projects. The idea of NIMBY (Not In My Backyard), which applies to the people who want the benefits of major infrastructure, but don’t want those projects sited near them, used to apply just to fossil-fueled, polluting energy sources. Neighborhoods would push back against massive power plants they thought would pollute their area or pose safety hazards. But as renewable energy has grown, along with project sizes, NIMBY has become something solar developers have to deal with as well.

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