Our Blog
Chester Energy and Policy started in 2017 as a blog before blossoming into a full consulting business. The goal of the blog originally was simple: answer interesting questions in the world of energy & sustainability that weren’t being answered elsewhere, tapping into energy data sets, expert interviews, and a unique lens.
Today, the blog section of Chester Energy and Policy seeks to continue that mission: answering interesting questions. If you have a question that you think is worth diving into for a blog post, reach out and let us know! .
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The 4 Most Anticipated Stories of 2022
Over the past two weeks, we’ve used this space to fulfill the annual tradition of looking back at the stories that have shaken the energy industry the most in the past twelve months.
Balancing Supply and Demand to Keep the Lights On
For most power customers, the interaction with their utilities is fairly basic: they turn the lights on or plug in their devices and they simply expect the electricity to flow. If the power isn’t working, that’s a major problem. Then once per month, they receive and pay a bill, but if that bill is for more than is expected then that’s also a problem. The power providers can do everything right 99% of the time, but if they err in these instances then the customers get frustrated, agitated, and dissatisfied.
‘Revisiting the Hottest Episodes of 2021 in Our 2nd Annual Podcast Year in Review' [an Energy Central Power Perspectives™ Podcast]
While 2021 might have been somewhat of a return to normalcy after 2020, the power and energy sector continued to see a rapid pace of news, developments, and trends. As the Energy Central Power Perspectives Podcast brought in guest week-in and week-out, we found that these episodes served as a great time capsule of such an eventful year for the utility industry. As such, we thought it only appropriate to continue the tradition started last year of featuring discussion and clips from the episodes during the previous 12 months that we enjoyed the most, that the audience engaged with most frequently, and that continued to shape our thinking through 2021 and into the new year.
The Energy Sector’s 2021 in Review: Part I
The Future is Now: AI is Already Revolutionizing Today’s Grid
Artificial intelligence (AI) gained prominence as a mainstay of science fiction and regular futuristic predictions about all aspects of various industries, products and more. What for many may evoke images of robots or sentient super computers actually has a rather mundane definition.
Welcome Geoff Jue, Expert in the Digital Utility Community- [an Energy Central Power Perspectives™ Interview]
The Internet of Things, the smart grid, the digital utility, grid modernization—these concepts have become so widely discussed in the utility sector that they often risk turning into meaningless buzzwords that lose their core meaning. But when looking to the true leaders in the power industry, you’ll quickly see that these aren’t throwaway words, but rather are the future of energy. As such, following industry experts and listening to what they’re seeing in these trends becomes critical to practical implementation of these types of opportunities.
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- Blockchain/Crypto 4
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- Crunching the Numbers 43
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