Our Blog
Chester Energy and Policy started in 2017 as a blog before blossoming into a full consulting business. The goal of the blog originally was simple: answer interesting questions in the world of energy & sustainability that weren’t being answered elsewhere, tapping into energy data sets, expert interviews, and a unique lens.
Today, the blog section of Chester Energy and Policy seeks to continue that mission: answering interesting questions. If you have a question that you think is worth diving into for a blog post, reach out and let us know! .
Read Most Recent Blog Posts
Cryptocurrency and Energy Generation: Natural Partners or Potential Problem Spot?
Welcome Nagendra Cherukupalli, New Expert in the Digital Utility Community- [an Energy Central Power Perspectives™ Interview]
The utility industry is undoubtedly in the midst of numerous massive transitions, including the clean energy transition and the digital revolution. Both these trends for energy providers are leading to new technologies, strategies, and more. But what’s important to note is that these changes aren’t happening in a vacuum, and in fact they are moving in lockstep. Digital technology enables greater clean energy penetration, and the incentives towards clean power are creating new digital opportunities as well.
Broker Strategies for the Current Energy Price Surge
For many market trends in the energy industry, they only reach the mainstream headlines once they start impacting the wallets of individuals and businesses. In recent weeks, energy price surges have been reported in trade press as they impact the European and Asian markets, and the impacts of these trends are now reaching stateside meaning U.S. energy consumers are paying attention and asking questions.
Bringing Utility Customer Communications Management Under One Umbrella
Utility companies must constantly juggle many different technical and business aspects to keep the lights on for their customers. From electricity generation to power transmission, to grid upgrades, to responding to outages, to the shift to clean energy, to the integration of new digital technology...The prospects are enough to make anyone’s head spin. While keeping those physical lights shining for homes and businesses across the service area is the number one goal, energy leaders know that keeping the metaphorical lights on at the utility is just as important and complex as utility customer communications management. They have to ensure that all customer interactions occur smoothly, accurately, and in a timely manner.
Increasing a Building’s Energy System Efficiency Via the Rooftop: Past, Present, and Future
With so much understandable focus on transitioning energy generation from fossil fuels to clean energy, stakeholders must not overlook some of the lowest hanging fruit in the energy realm: energy efficiency. Well-planned energy efficiency programs and technologies represent one of the most critical and natural win-wins out there. Energy efficiency allows for conserving of energy without sacrificing output, meaning buildings and customers cut costs, power providers minimize how much demand they need to reach, and fewer greenhouse gases are spilled into the atmosphere.
Energy Central Power Perspectives™: Welcome Ryan Gerbrandt of Anterix, New Expert in the Digital Utility Community- [an Energy Central Power Perspectives™ Interview]
The ability to communicate instantaneously and tap into the treasure trove of data across the grid is one of the most important fronts for the grid moving forward. When we talk about a smart grid, that intelligence requires the infrastructure, planning, and informational capacity that hasn’t been previously made available.
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