Welcome Your New Expert Interview Series: Ahmed Mousa, New Expert in the Grid Professionals Group - [an Energy Central Power Perspectives™ Expert Interview]

Originally posted here.

The transformation of the power grid is happening right before our eyes. And it’s not on a ‘blink and you’ll miss it’ basis, but rather it’s that if you don’t pay attention you may find yourself falling behind. Modernized technologies, evolving customer expectations, and a constant shuffling of goals, challenges, and solutions are keeping our grid professionals quite busy these days. To aid them in that journey, we’re always seeking to add to the grid-related Energy Central Network of Experts, providing industry expertise and leadership who represent the voice of industry. With that in mind, we’re excited to welcome the latest member of our Network of Experts focused on the Grid Professionals Group: Ahmed Mousa.

In this insightful interview, we had the privilege of speaking with Ahmed Mousa, a seasoned professional in the utilities sector with multiple decades of experience. Ahmed brings a unique perspective to the table, highlighting the importance of optimism and collaboration amidst the challenges faced by the industry. With a background in addressing worst-case scenarios and a keen focus on risk management, he emphasizes the need to shift our mindset from dwelling on the negative to embracing opportunities and innovative thinking.

With that, we’re excited to jump-start Ahmed’s Expert status in the traditional way: with his participation in a New Expert Member Interview:

Matt Chester: Thanks for agreeing to be one of our experts, Ahmed. These interviews serve to introduce you to our community members who have not yet heard you speak or read your insights. So let’s start with the basics: what is your role in the industry and what led to you becoming a thought leader in the power sector?

Ahmed Mousa: My name is Ahmed Mousa. I have been in the energy business for almost 20 years. I like to think of myself as an energy and power enthusiast. I have a deep passion for the energy business. Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to work for four large utilities: PSEG, ConEd, Pepco, and FirstEnergy. I also serve on several boards, allowing me to engage with experts from various fields, both within and outside the energy sector.

A significant turning point in my career came when I started teaching as an adjunct professor at NJIT. This experience exposed me to the gap between the educational sector and the utility sector, as well as the needs and aspirations of students. It motivated me to pursue further knowledge, engage in extensive research, and publish books. My journey in the energy industry began when I lived in New York City, where I witnessed the impact of climate-related events, such as storms. This fueled my interest in the energy sector, and I have only grown more passionate about it over the past 20 years. It is an exciting time to be involved in the industry.

Read the rest of the article here.


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