Chester Energy and Policy’s Under the Radar Must-Follows for 2020

What is there left to say about 2020– it’s been quite a trying year for everyone, and the energy industry has had its hands full with wildfires, hurricanes, blackouts, economic hardships, and more. But as we look to turn the page into a new year with hopefully brighter skies ahead, the end of the year is always a fun time to reflect on what was learned and how we hope to improve in the coming year.

Recently, this blog had the distinct honor of being named as one of the “Best Indie-Energy Blogs” by the American Energy Society (humble brag, but also definitely read their full list of award winners to see what a great year it was for thought leadership and progress in the energy industry), which definitely served as a bright spot for me personally to end the year.

Throughout this year, I’ve been asked many times about what some of the best blogs, resources, and leaders are in the energy space, and receiving notice of this award inspired me to pay it forward. So, while many of the go-to resources and thinkers out there are the well-established leaders for a reason (looking at you, The Energy Gang podcast), I figured I’d use this quick post to highlight some of the names and resources that have flown under the radar but undoubtedly deserve more recognition for the great work they do.

Must-Read Newsletters

Carbon Creed

This newsletter bills itself as the ‘newsletter for people ‘woke’ on carbon and climate,’ and with every issue, Walter McLeod highlights important stories in the world of energy policy, ways in which businesses and individuals can embrace more carbon-free practices, and really just provides a well-rounded view of these important topics. Walter is an insider in the energy policy and clean technology areas and he has his finger on the pulse across many different sectors, and his great newsletter certainly reflects that.

Subscribe here:

Leaders in Sustainability

Another regular newsletter that will keep you informed on the important developments in climate change, sustainability-related technologies, and the changing world as we know it is this one from Ryan Hagen. As a self-described sustainability nerd, Ryan highlights the actions we can all be taking as informed citizens and breaks down complex topics in a compelling and easy to understand manner. If you’re worried about missing out on the news because you’re too busy to read all the climate content coming out, this newsletter will make sure you’re in the know.

Subscribe here: 


Must-Listen Podcasts

Redefining Energy

This podcast comes from the minds of Laurent Segalen and Gerard Reid, two gentlemen who complement each other quite well in experience, skillsets, and as hosts. They manage to score some great interviews with movers and shakers across the energy spectrum, with no topic being off-limits. From nuclear developments to grid digitalization, the state of the oil industry to the impacts of COVID, you’ll find some great nuggets of wisdom with every episode you enjoy.

Listen here:

New Energy Chinwag

Charley Rattan and John Massey are the duo behind this forward-looking podcast that takes the most pressing topics on the clean energy transition and breaks down what they’re hearing about them in the types of conversations that feel like you’re just listening to your (extremely well-informed) friends chat about the developments at the local pub. With a U.K. perspective and a frequent dive into the important global trends, the New Energy Chinwag is one to add to your podcast rotation.

Listen here:


Shameless plug honorable mention: If you didn’t know, I produce and co-host the official podcast for called the Power Perspectives Podcast. I don’t think I’m allowed to name that to my own must-listen list, but I still want to encourage you to listen and subscribe! Find it here and anywhere you typically go for podcasts. 


Must-Follow Social Media Accounts

Energy Book Nerd

I came across this Twitter account early on his project to read 50 energy books in 50 weeks, the type of project that immediately gives you envy. As an energy nerd and enthusiast, he’s amassed the type of library that always motivates me to spend some more time with a book in my hand, and predictably this well-informed baseline has led to him having some terrific takes on the news of the day on Twitter. That he doesn’t have more of a following among the #EnergyTwitter community is dumbfounding, so consider this me trying to help correct that in some small way!

Follow here:

Peter Kelly-Detwiler

I recently got connected with Peter on LinkedIn, and I’m so happy I did because one of my favorite weekly notifications is when he posts his video with the top energy industry stories of the week. Rather than post links to news stories that would be easy to pass over, Peter starts up the webcam and speaks directly to his network about what’s happening across the industry and what he thinks about it. It’s a refreshing format and he also often highlights stories that I otherwise would have missed, so for me he’s a must-follow.

Follow here:

Must-See Sustainability Services

O-Town Compost

I already wrote a full blog on this really great service that’s local to where I live in Orlando(sorry, those outside of the City Beautiful can’t use these exact services), but I wanted to highlight it again because I think it’s such a great and important idea. For people with limited space, time, or knowledge of composting, not being able to compost your home’s food scraps is one of the biggest missed opportunities in reducing carbon footprints and enhancing your personal sustainability. To help fill that gap, O-Town Compost has a regular pick up service for your food scraps that you collect during the week in an airtight container. Just put your container out like you would your trash, but rest easy knowing you aren’t adding those scraps to the landfill to contribute climate harming methane, but rather are creating nutrient-rich soil for local farms and sustainable operations.

Read more here:


I haven’t yet written an article on this service, but I have an interview lined up with the founder of Sustainabode that you can look out for to be published here in the coming weeks. Sustainabode is a way for homeowners and renters alike to ‘subscribe’ to green and renewable energy resources, helping to create a cleaner energy grid even if your local utility provider isn’t providing you the option to do so. For a small subscription fee, you contribute to the purchase of renewable energy that would otherwise have struggled to get to the grid. While other services offering carbon offsets or renewable energy credits exist out there, Sustainabode is trying to bring them into the viral digital age by empowering customers to post signs in their yard, brag to online connections, and spread the message and impact more widely. That’s all I’ll say for now until I publish our interview, but in the meantime head to their website to learn more.

Read more here: 

Thanks to all the leaders, writers, and experts who have inspired me in 2020 and continue to keep me informed, active, and personally responsible for the clean energy future! And here’s to a great 2021 for all of you.


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